Trump y el libre comercio


Permitir el libre comercio siempre y cuando beneficie al trabajador estadounidense

La principal amenaza que representa Trump para México, no es el muro (que ya existe a lo largo de cientos de kilómetros de la frontera), ni tampoco la intención de deportar a los mexicanos ilegales (el flujo neto de mexicanos hacia Estados Unidos es negativo: más los que salen que los que entran), sino la intención de permitir el libre comercio siempre y cuando beneficie al trabajador estadounidense.

Trump no deja lugar a dudas.

Lo podemos comprobar en la página, la página oficial del presidente electo, en la cual encontramos un apartado cuyo título es: Getting America back to work again, en el cual se toca el tema de la reforma comercial. Leemos lo siguiente: “Free trade is good as long as it is fair trade. American workers are the best in the world. On a level playing field, we can compete, and win. Yet, too many American jobs have been lost over the last decade because of trade deals that do not put Americans first.

Factories have closed and jobs have moved overseas because the government has imposed crushing regulations and taxes, while it negotiated trade deals that incentivized American companies to make things abroad, where environmental and labor protections are minimal and wages are low”, seguido de esto: “The Trump Administration will reverse decades of policies that have pushed jobs out of our country. The new Administration will make it more desirable for companies to stay, create jobs here, pay taxes here, and rebuild our economy. Our workers and the communities that support them will thrive again, as more and more companies compete to set up manufacturing in the U.S., to hire our young people and give them hope and a real shot at prosperity again. America will become, once more, a destination for jobs, production and innovation and will once more show economic leadership in the World”.

De libre comercio Trump no tiene idea. Para empezar ese comercio debe beneficiar al consumidor, como tal, no al trabajador, como tal. Continuará.